Sunday, February 27, 2011

Winter Horse Days

Kaelyn loves horses.  Even when it's freezing cold outside, she rides.  She now has 3 horses that she cares for.  

She has Megan, the Arabian mare that rules the pasture, and requires her to place the flakes of hay far apart so Megan doesn't hog all the food.

Then there is Shinanigan, the 5 year old paint mare that she bought with her own money, that was green broke, and she is currently training, and doing an incredibly excellent job!  This is her favorite horse, though Megan is her "first" horse, so they are equally special.

And finally, we have Dundee, a camp horse that we are boarding for the winter.  It has been fun to have a totally "kid proof" horse around, but this horse has taught all the others how to chew wood.  The entire front row of posts in the pasture are GONE, chewed down to nothing, and we can thank Dundee for giving the other horses chewing lessons.  At least Kaelyn has had fun riding the horse, as well as several friends. 

Here she is jumping the horse.  Notice her attire...snow boots and a tank top???  I think she gave her jacket to her brother, who was patiently taking the pictures and videos that afternoon.  He was cold, so to keep him outside taking pictures, she gave up her warmth!!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Blowing Bubbles

Kaelyn "doing dishes" doing the dishes! 

Moving Again...

This will be the 3rd home for this blog.  I hope we can settle in here and make some deep roots.  I have ignored my other blog, by the same name, since July 3, 2010.  It is mostly because I blog about the happy things in my life, and the past 8 months have simply been quite challenging.  The other reason is that, after the other blog went through some upgrades, I can't figure out how to load pictures, have been frustrated several times trying to learn the process, and have ultimately landed here, hoping the mechanics of blogging will be easier with Blogspot.  We shall see. 

"Calvin" our new Cavachon Puppy!!