Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Springtime, Where Art Thou?

I wish I had something compelling and profound to write about.  I wish I had something insightful and amazing to say.  I don't.  It's snowing outside.  It's March 9th, and it looks like January outside.  It's beautiful.  I always love the trees when they are covered in white and I love seeing fields perfectly blanketed in snow, with no footprints of any kind.  But I like it more in January, not in March.

This is what it looks like outside today.  It's another one of those two palate colored days.

White and dreary.

Everybody is ready for spring.  Even as we all wait for spring, I know the transition is not that fun either.  Mud, brown sticky gunk will come into my house.  It will be a battle to keep the dirt and rocks out, that stick to the bottom of mud boots.  I know it's coming, and want it to come, but even the process of spring breaking through the snow is trying and character building. 

The bird feeder.  I'm sure the birds can't wait for springtime either!

We've already been talking about the garden.  It's nice to think of green things when all we can still see is white!  I've been looking into greenhouses, tomato plants that have a very, very short growing cycle, and sweet corn!  We've talked about where we'll plant the beans this year, and what type of supports we'll have for them.  We've talked about a new watering system of drip hose instead of sprinklers, so the pathways won't be watered, and we'd have less weeds as a result.  We've ordered sweet corn seeds, and will take an inventory of the seeds we already have.  We've looked at microgreens and have talked about getting some seeds started under grow lights.  And, we've talked about leaving the entire garden fallow, but decided that probably wasn't a good plan. 

We're doing everything possible to get our minds off the snow that is falling outside.  It's March and we're all ready for springtime!!


  1. It's beautiful, but you have to be a person of faith to be thinking green right now! Hooray for vision! Hooray for the certainty of spring!

  2. you are getting quite prolific in your writing!!! :-)

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