Friday, July 15, 2011


I"ve been learning about blogging, sort of like getting crumbs that are falling from the table, bits and pieces here and there from others who are taking blogging very seriously, evening planning to go to blogging conferences to learn more.  I feel like I'm getting left behind, but I am eager to hear what they have learned.  I would go to a conference, would LOVE to go to one, so maybe I can find something local.

In the meantime, I can see that these other women have given their blog a more decisive direction, have focused on exactly what their blog message will be, and it seems they are moving in an organize direction with their posts!  I've been thinking about what direction I want my blog to go, and have been contemplating again, just how vulnerable I want to be out here in this public place.

The truth is, I have 4 blogs that I post in regularly, one for business, 2 for pleasure, and 1 that is completely private.  By doing this, I can cover all areas of my life, but the reader really only sees me in parts, and not the whole.  Somehow I want to change that, but haven't gotten the courage just yet, mostly because most of my readers actually KNOW me IRL, and SEE me regularly.  It would be easier if most everyone was a stranger, or just an acquaintance, or if I could somehow be anonymous.

So, as I figure out where I want my blog to go, and I figure out what I want to write about, how much I want to share about my struggles, and how much I want to invest in my blog...while I figure all that out, I needed to do something that was enjoyable and relaxing.  And this is where gymnastics comes in.

I LOVE GYMNASTICS!!  I was a gymnast as a kid, and would still be, if my body would cooperate.  I love flipping and twisting, twirling and spinning, dancing and moving to music, and the discipline that gymnastics requires.  Since I can't do gymnastics anymore, I have to be satisfied watching it.  And so, I share with all of you, my favorite gymnastics montage of all time....RUSSIAN GLORY.  This montage was brilliantly put together, the clips and music seemlessly intertwining together, the movements, the emotions...everything in sync, depicting the heartache and power that goes hand and hand with this sport.  Whenever I need a pick me up, I go to this montage and watch it over and over.  It makes me happy and gives me motivation.  Enjoy!!


  1. What a stirring piece of music! What power and grace in those little bodies!

    Kristy, I'm trying on a new thought for size in relation to my blog.

    I've never been a great singer or artist. I dabble, and I'm not bad, but I'm not gifted. But I am creative. And I am drawn to creativity. I'm terribly right brained, and we right brained types need a place where we can create art.

    My blog doesn't always display great art. But it is my little place to create. It's my little studio, where I get to create whatever is currently percolating inside my head. And the more I practice at my art, the better I am likely to get.

  2. HI Kristy,
    I'll probably never go to a blogging conference.
    I'm just not that serious.

    Except it has been a lifeline for me in this interesting stage of my life. It's my therapy, a way to sort out my thoughts and to be able to notice in a tangible way how God is working and orchestrating the moments of my days, a way to process all that is occurring and my connection to humanity when my real life seems cut off from people.

    Obviously, my blog has had a pretty defined focus, but I see that changing and I have spent time in prayer asking God where I am to go with this.

    Few of my local friends read my blog. It's best that way. Though I am amazed at who I meet and run into that "know all about me" 'cause they read every day. I have been completely honest and God has actually used the blog to minister... strange as that seems to me.

    Perhaps this is my platform for reminding people that their lives are in God's hands and so I am starting to take this seriously.
